Efungumab Terminated Naked monospecific

Antibody Information

Entry ID 2342
INN Efungumab
Status Terminated
Drug code(s) MYC-123
Brand name Mycograb
mAb sequence source mAb human
General Molecular Category Naked monospecific
Format, general category Fragment
Format details scFv
Isotype (Fc) None
Light chain isotype TBD
Linker None
Ave. DAR None
Conjugated/fused moiety None
Discovery method/technology None

Therapeutic information

Target(s) HSP90
Indications of clinical studies Adjunctive therapy for Cryptococcal Meningitis in patients with AIDS, breast cancer
Primary therapeutic area Infectious diseases

Development stage information

Most advanced stage of development (global) Terminated at regulatory review
Status Inactive
Start of clinical phase (IND filing or first Phase 1) July 15, 2000
Start of Phase 2 June 15, 2001
Start of Phase 3 December 15, 2002
Date BLA/NDA submitted to FDA
Year of first approval (global) None
Date of first US approval
INN, US product name None
US or EU approved indications None

Company information

Company Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Licensee/Partner None
Comments about company or candidate Novartis acquired NeuTec US, EU orphan. NeuTec sponsored Phase 1/2 study in breast cancer in 2005. The applicant NeuTec Pharma plc submitted on 11 March 2005 a full application for Marketing Authorisation referring to Art. 8.3 of Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended, to the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) through the centralised procedure for Mycograb, which was designated as an orphan medicinal product EU/3/01/073 on 5 December 2001. CHMP decision was negative in March 2007; quality and safety data were considered unsuitable. An initial safety and tolerance study was performed initially using 0.1 mg/kg and escalating to one and two doses of 1mg/kg/day of Mycograb given i.v. (NTB/Mycograb/001). A pilot (Jun 01 to Nov 02) and confirmatory double-blind placebo-controlled studies of efficacy and safety of 1 mg/kg Mycograb administered iv twice daily over 5 days in the target population (NTB/Mycograb/002; Dec 02 to April 2004)).
Full address of company Basel, Switzerland


rhMAB-hsp90 is a non-glycosylated 27 kDa peptide, which contains two disulphide bonds. The protein consists of the variable domains of heavy (VH) and light chains (VL) joined via a flexible linker peptide.

Additional information

Anticipated events None
Factor(s) contributing to discontinuation None