Dalotuzumab Terminated Naked monospecific

Antibody Information

Entry ID 2308
INN Dalotuzumab
Status Terminated
Drug code(s) MK-0646, F50035, h7C10
Brand name None
mAb sequence source mAb humanized
General Molecular Category Naked monospecific
Format, general category Full length Ab
Format details None
Isotype (Fc) IgG1
Light chain isotype kappa
Linker None
Ave. DAR None
Conjugated/fused moiety None
Discovery method/technology None

Therapeutic information

Target(s) IGF-1R
Indications of clinical studies Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Non-small-cell Lung cancer, Neuroendocrine Tumors, Pancreatic Cancer, Solid Tumor, Multiple Myeloma
Primary therapeutic area Cancer

Development stage information

Most advanced stage of development (global) Terminated at Phase 2/3
Status Inactive
Start of clinical phase (IND filing or first Phase 1) December 15, 2005
Start of Phase 2 June 15, 2007
Start of Phase 3 December 15, 2007
Date BLA/NDA submitted to FDA
Year of first approval (global) None
Date of first US approval
INN, US product name None
US or EU approved indications None

Company information

Company Pierre Fabre
Licensee/Partner Merck
Comments about company or candidate One Phase 2 study active but not recruiting as of Aug 2017. Total of 20 studies sponsored at least in part by Merck listed on Phase 2/3 study done in colorectal patients; results showed that the trial was stopped at the 1st interim analysis with 345 wild-type KRAS patients enrolled as neither dalotuzumab dosing regimen achieved proof-of-concept. Median PFS for all randomized wild-type KRAS status patients was 3.3mth in q 1wk and 5.4 in q 2wk vs 5.6 in the placebo group. Median overall survival (OS) for wild-type KRAS patients was 10.8mth in q 1wk and 11.6 in q 2wk vs 14.0 in the placebo arm. Specific adverse events did not appear to explain the difference in PFS or OS observed. Poor results also observed in Phase 2 studies in breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Full address of company Castres, 1 Avenue d'Albi, France


Jan 2005 publication from Pierre Fabre authors: We have generated a humanized anti-IGF-IR antibody h7C10 that blocks in vitro IGF-I and IGF-II-induced cell proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Analysis of the IGF-I transduction cascade demonstrated that the humanized anti-IGF-IR antibody and its murine parental form block IGF-I-induced tyrosine phosphorylation, both its beta-chain and IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation.

Additional information

Anticipated events None
Factor(s) contributing to discontinuation Lack of efficacy