Talacotuzumab Terminated Naked monospecific

Antibody Information

Entry ID 2178
INN Talacotuzumab
Status Terminated
Drug code(s) JNJ-56022473, CSL362
Brand name None
mAb sequence source mAb humanized
General Molecular Category Naked monospecific
Format, general category Full length Ab
Format details None
Isotype (Fc) IgG1/2
Light chain isotype kappa
Linker None
Ave. DAR None
Conjugated/fused moiety None
Discovery method/technology None

Therapeutic information

Target(s) CD123
Indications of clinical studies Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Primary therapeutic area Cancer

Development stage information

Most advanced stage of development (global) Terminated at Phase 2/3
Status Inactive
Start of clinical phase (IND filing or first Phase 1) July 15, 2012
Start of Phase 2 August 15, 2015
Start of Phase 3
Date BLA/NDA submitted to FDA
Year of first approval (global) None
Date of first US approval
INN, US product name None
US or EU approved indications None

Company information

Company CSL Limited
Licensee/Partner Janssen Research & Development, LLC
Comments about company or candidate June 2018. Efficacy and adverse events data from the phase II SAMBA trial in Acute myeloid leukaemia and Myelodysplastic syndromes presented at the 23rd Congress of the European Haematology Association (EHA-2018) Conclusion of SAMBA study: Even though ADCC-mediated targeting of CD123 seems to be a promising treatment option, patients with advanced MDS/AML displayed significant alterations in their immune cell repertoire which may have contributed to the moderate clinical benefit with single agent TAL treatment. Oct 2017: Phase 2 study in MD still recruiting, but J&J announced that the Phase 3 clinical trial for talacotuzumab, an investigational compound being studied in patients with acute myeloid leukemia, has been discontinued. NCT02472145 is a Phase 2/3 study (started as Phase 2 in June 2015 and converted to Phase 3 in Nov 2015). Under the terms of the agreement with Janssen, CSL will receive a license fee and be entitled to development, regulatory and sales based milestone payments, as well as royalties on sales. CSL will be responsible for the completion of the Phase I clinical trial in AML and Janssen will be responsible for all further development and commercialisation in AML and other indications. Under the terms of an agreement signed in February 2009, Xencor granted CSL Limited a non-exclusive license to Xencor Cytotoxic Fc Domains for use in CSL programs, including CSL362. Xencor is also eligible to receive additional milestone payments and royalties on sales. In 2013, CSL Limited licensed CSL362 to Janssen Biotech Inc.
Full address of company Melbourne, Australia


CSL362 is variant of humanized and affinity matured anti-CD123 mAb 168-26; Fc modified for higher affinity to Fc gamma RIIIa 0ptimised for enhanced activation of ADCC via natural killer cells (Xencor Fc-engineering technology). Targets the alpha chain of the interleukin 3 receptor; IND filed in April 2012.

Additional information

Anticipated events None
Factor(s) contributing to discontinuation None