Entry ID | 2004 |
INN | Figitumumab |
Status | Terminated |
Drug code(s) | CP-751,871 |
Brand name | None |
mAb sequence source | mAb human |
General Molecular Category | Naked monospecific |
Format, general category | Full length Ab |
Format details | None |
Isotype (Fc) | IgG2 |
Light chain isotype | kappa |
Linker | None |
Ave. DAR | None |
Conjugated/fused moiety | None |
Discovery method/technology | Transgenic mouse-derived (Xenomouse) |
Target(s) | IGF-1R |
Indications of clinical studies | Non-small cell lung cancer, multiple myeloma, breast cancer, prostate cancer, small cell lung cancer |
Primary therapeutic area | Cancer |
Most advanced stage of development (global) | Terminated at Phase 3 |
Status | Inactive |
Start of clinical phase (IND filing or first Phase 1) | December 15, 2003 |
Start of Phase 2 | January 19, 2006 |
Start of Phase 3 | March 15, 2008 |
Date BLA/NDA submitted to FDA | |
Year of first approval (global) | None |
Date of first US approval | |
INN, US product name | None |
US or EU approved indications | None |
Company | Pfizer |
Licensee/Partner | Abgenix |
Comments about company or candidate | Phase 3 study in NSCLS discontinued following an independent DSMC recommended the trial be stopped after concluding that the addition of figitumumab was unlikely to demonstrate a significant improvement on the primary endpoint. Phase 2 study in breast cancer was closed to enrollment as of 13 May 2011 due to business reasons. Premature closure was not prompted by any safety or efficacy concerns |
Full address of company | 66 Hudson Boulevard East, New York, NY 10001-2192 USA North America United States of America https://www.pfizer.com/contact |
Anticipated events | None |
Factor(s) contributing to discontinuation | Business reasons |