Vamikibart Clinical Naked monospecific

Antibody Information

Entry ID 1210
INN Vamikibart
Status Clinical
Drug code(s) RO7200220, RG6179, EBI-031
Brand name None
mAb sequence source mAb humanized
General Molecular Category Naked monospecific
Format, general category Full length Ab
Format details None
Isotype (Fc) IgG2
Light chain isotype kappa
Linker None
Ave. DAR None
Conjugated/fused moiety None
Discovery method/technology None

Therapeutic information

Target(s) IL-6
Indications of clinical studies Uveitic Macular Edema, Diabetic Macular Edema
Primary therapeutic area Ophthalmic disorders

Development stage information

Most advanced stage of development (global) Phase 3
Status Active
Start of clinical phase (IND filing or first Phase 1) June 15, 2016
Start of Phase 2 December 15, 2021
Start of Phase 3 January 13, 2023
Date BLA/NDA submitted to FDA
Year of first approval (global) None
Date of first US approval
INN, US product name None
US or EU approved indications None

Company information

Company Sesen Bio
Licensee/Partner Hoffmann-La Roche
Comments about company or candidate Oct 2024: Listed as possible marketing submission in 2026, growth driver in Roche Q3 update ( Mar 2023: Sesen Bio has merged with Carisma Therapeutics to form Carisma Therapeutics Phase 3 studies for Uveitic macular edema (NCT05642325, NCT05642312) are recruiting as of May 23-25, 2023 NCT05642312 Phase 3 studies in Uveitic Macular Edema started in Jan 2023. NCT05642325 Phase 3 studies in Uveitic Macular Edema due to started in March 2023. 2 Phase 2 studies in Diabetic Macular Edema recuiting as of Dec 2021. Phase 1 DOVETAIL study started in Q3 2019. On July 15, 2022, Sesen executed an asset purchase agreement (the “Roche Asset Purchase Agreement”) with Roche for legacy Interleukin-6 (IL-6) antagonist antibody technology owned by Sesen Bio. Pursuant to the Roche Asset Purchase Agreement, Roche purchased all patent rights and know-how related to the monoclonal antibody EBI-031 and all other IL-6 antagonist monoclonal antibody technology owned by Sesen Bio for up to $70 million. This includes a $40 million payment made by Roche to the Company upon execution of the Roche Asset Purchase Agreement, and an additional $30 million payable to Sesen Bio upon Roche’s initiation of a Phase 3 clinical trial with EBI-031 for a defined indication if initiated prior to December 31, 2026. IND filed in June 2016; NCT02842541 Phase 1 study withdrawn prior to enrollment Sesen Bio was formally Eleven Biotherapeutics
Full address of company 245 First Street Suite 1800 Cambridge, MA 02142 United States
North America
United States of America


Molecular format included in "Pharmacological agents in development for diabetic macular edema" but this article was retracted for legal reasons. mAb for diabetic macular edema; longer half life. EBI-031 is a novel inhibitor of the cytokine IL-6 and is an optimized version of the company's anti-IL-6 antibody, EBI-029. The company believes that 031 has the identical binding site on IL-6 and same mechanism of action as 029. The company designed 031 to block IL-6 signaling at much lower concentrations that 029, potentially increasing the potency and potentially extending the time between required administrations. Humanized monoclonal antibody that potently binds interleukin-6 (IL-6) and inhibits all known forms of IL-6 cytokine signaling, for treatment of ocular diseases.

Additional information

Anticipated events Possible marketing submissions in 2026; two Phase 3 studies have primary completion dates in June 2025
Factor(s) contributing to discontinuation None